Lyra Morgan

Contemporary Art


A Day in the Studio . . .

PonderingsLyra MorganComment
“Art is not about thinking something up. It is the opposite -- getting something down.” The Artist's Way Julia Cameron

As the kettle bubbles away, it is with fresh eyes that I view the canvasses I worked on the day before.  Which ones feel complete?  Which ones need more time and tlc?  Which canvas is really ‘speaking’ to me today?  Not forgetting to remind myself that less is more!

It is important not to think too much.  The best thing is to let myself get lost in the colours, no thinking, just doing. Just being.

Each work may have some qualities that are similar to the others but each piece is different to all the others, just like a cloud, just like a person.

And if I have truly lost myself in its creation - when the work is finished, it is as if  I am ‘meeting' and seeing it for the first time.

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep”. Scott Adams